15 Years since Hans Rosling first excited the world!

Classic Hans Rosling Bubble Chart – on main Tableau page!

I had a chance to take a look today at Tableau Public. I’ve used it in the past but to be honest Tableau is my third favorite visualization tool (behind Qlik and Power BI). I was impressed to see they used an example mimicking the famous TED talk by Hans Rosling. If you haven’t seen this and you’re interested in data and analytics – its a must watch! 🙂

Nathan Yau’s Reading List

I follow and really like Nathan Yau. His site FlowingData.com is a great resource for Data Visualization inspiration. Below is his reading list for during the crisis:

Making Charts

Books specifically about making and using charts…


Making sense of numbers…


Some code…

  • R Packages by Hadley Wickham — I know the basics, but I should know more.
  • The Book of R by Tilman M. Davies — A big, fat reference.
  • Some visualization with Python book. I’ve seen some books, but is there a well-regarded reference?


Outside visualization, but applicable…


To think about various visual forms…